Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (7): 153-160.DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2021.1032
Yaxuan MENG1(), Wei MA2, Xuhang YAO1, Yingqi SUN1, Xin ZHONG1, Shan HUANG1, Qiaoyun WENG1, Yinghui LIU1, Jincheng YUAN1(
Jincheng YUAN
孟亚轩1(), 马玮2, 姚旭航1, 孙颖琦1, 钟鑫1, 黄山1, 瓮巧云1, 刘颖慧1, 袁进成1(
CLC Number:
Yaxuan MENG, Wei MA, Xuhang YAO, Yingqi SUN, Xin ZHONG, Shan HUANG, Qiaoyun WENG, Yinghui LIU, Jincheng YUAN. Study on the Response Factors of Maize Yield to Nitrogen Fertilizer[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2023, 25(7): 153-160.
孟亚轩, 马玮, 姚旭航, 孙颖琦, 钟鑫, 黄山, 瓮巧云, 刘颖慧, 袁进成. 玉米产量对氮肥的响应因素研究[J]. 中国农业科技导报, 2023, 25(7): 153-160.
解释变量Categorical explanatory variable | 分组Group |
N:氮肥施用量 N application rate/(kg·hm-2) | N≤100; 100<N≤150; 150<N≤200; 200<N≤250; 250<N≤300; N>300 |
试验区域 Experiment region | 东北、华北、西北、东南、西南 、华中、华东 Northeast, North, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Central of China, East of China |
Ta:年平均气温 Average annual temperature/℃ | Ta≤5; 5<Ta≤10; 10<Ta≤15 |
Pa:年平均降雨量 Average annual precipitation/mm | Pa≤400; 400<Pa≤800; 800<Pa≤1 200;Pa>1 200 |
Tg:生长季平均气温 Average growing season temperature/℃ | Tg≤25; Tg>25 |
Pg:生长季平均降雨量 Average precipitation during the growing season/mm | Pg≤400; Pg>400 |
DR:基追比 Dressing ratio | 全基施; DR≤1;1<DR≤2;DR>2;全追施 All base; DR≤1;1<DR≤2; DR>2; All topdressing |
SOM:土壤有机质含量Soil organic matter/(g·kg-1) | SOM≤15; 15<SOM≤25; SOM>25 |
Table 1 Classification of experiment data
解释变量Categorical explanatory variable | 分组Group |
N:氮肥施用量 N application rate/(kg·hm-2) | N≤100; 100<N≤150; 150<N≤200; 200<N≤250; 250<N≤300; N>300 |
试验区域 Experiment region | 东北、华北、西北、东南、西南 、华中、华东 Northeast, North, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Central of China, East of China |
Ta:年平均气温 Average annual temperature/℃ | Ta≤5; 5<Ta≤10; 10<Ta≤15 |
Pa:年平均降雨量 Average annual precipitation/mm | Pa≤400; 400<Pa≤800; 800<Pa≤1 200;Pa>1 200 |
Tg:生长季平均气温 Average growing season temperature/℃ | Tg≤25; Tg>25 |
Pg:生长季平均降雨量 Average precipitation during the growing season/mm | Pg≤400; Pg>400 |
DR:基追比 Dressing ratio | 全基施; DR≤1;1<DR≤2;DR>2;全追施 All base; DR≤1;1<DR≤2; DR>2; All topdressing |
SOM:土壤有机质含量Soil organic matter/(g·kg-1) | SOM≤15; 15<SOM≤25; SOM>25 |
模型 Model | 增产率 Increase rate/% | 置信区间Confidence interval/% | P值 P value | |
下限Lower limit | 上限Upper limit | |||
随机效应模型 Random effect model | 17.64 | 16.25 | 19.05 | 0.000 |
Table 2 Average effect size of maize yield under nitrogen application
模型 Model | 增产率 Increase rate/% | 置信区间Confidence interval/% | P值 P value | |
下限Lower limit | 上限Upper limit | |||
随机效应模型 Random effect model | 17.64 | 16.25 | 19.05 | 0.000 |
Fig. 2 Yield increase rate of maize under different nitrogen fertilizer ratesNote:Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different groups at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 3 Yield increase rate of maize under different regionNote:Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different groups at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 4 Yield increase rate of maize under different temperature conditionsNote:Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different groups at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 5 Yield increase rate of maize under different annual average precipitationNote:Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different groups at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 6 Yield increase of maize under different nitrogen application methodsNote: Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different groups at P<0.05 level.
Fig. 7 Yield increase of maize under different soil organic matter conditionsNote: Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different groups at P<0.05 level.
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