Identification of
Streptomyces rochei HM85 and Its Biocontrol and Growth-promoting Effects on Sugar Beet
Zhimin YANG, Huihao ZHANG, Yuanyuan ZHANG, Hongyan DU, Xiaodong LIU, Yaguang HOU, Yi WANG, Daolong XU, Jingui HUANG, Xiaoning CHENG, Yang SUI, Ruili WANG, Chao YU, Lingling ZHAO, Chunmei CHEN, Ru YA, Li JIA, Mingyue ZHANG, Hongwei WANG, Songyao YAO, Ying ZHAO, Ke SHAO
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
2024, 26 (5):
DOI: 10.13304/j.nykjdb.2024.0144
Cercospora leaf sport of beet (CLS), caused by Cercospora beticola, is the most destructive foliar fungal disease of sugar beet worldwide which seriously restricts the development of China’s sugar industry. In order to screen and identify the antagonistic strains with biocontrol applications against Cercospora beticola, the rhizosphere soil samples of sugar beet were collected from Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia autonomous region and the antagonistic strain HM85 with stable antimicrobial activity was screened by dilution coating flat plate method and dual culture assay. The strain HM85 was identified as Streptomyces rochei based on its morphological,physiological and biochemical characteristics along with 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis.The results of dual culture test showed that the HM85 strain could significantly inhibit the growth of Cercospora beticola HB2-2-2 with inhibitory rate of 58.68%. In addition, the fermentation broth of S. rochei HM85 had antagonistic activity against Cercospora beticola and could promote the growth of sugar beet in pot tests,which plant height, fresh weight of plant,root length,fresh weight of root and root diameter was increased by 22.73%, 20.47%, 36.10%, 32.52%, 75.03% compared to the control, respectively. In summary, S. rochei HM85 could be exploited as a potential bio-inoculant improving production and biocontrol agent for sugar beet leaf sport disease control.
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